What is the General Plan?
The General Plan serves as long-term policy guide for the physical, economic, and environmental growth of a city. It is a statement of the community’s vision of its ultimate physical characteristics and growth. The General Plan describes the desired character and quality of new development, as well as the process for how development should proceed.
The Plan is designed to be:
- Long-range – a guide growth for the next 20 years and beyond.
- Comprehensive – coordinates all major components of the community’s physical development.
- Community-based – both general and specific to Rio Vista. For example, the Land Use element provides general land use designations and densities but relies on the Zoning Ordinance for implementation. Other elements, such as Mobility and Parks and Open Space, furnish more specific standards and guidance that are needed to preserve Rio Vista’s unique characteristics.
Why update the General Plan?
State law requires that every county and city prepare, adopt, and update a comprehensive long-range plan as a guide for the development of the community.
Who will use the General Plan?
- City Council and Planning Commission – to make decisions, determine long-term goals, generate and evaluate budgets, plan capital improvements, and prioritize tasks.
- City Staff – when considering development applications, capital improvements, service programming, and departmental budgeting.
- Residents, Business owners, and Developers – guidance for preserving and enhancing the community.
- Local and regional agencies – projecting future needs and services.
What’s in the General Plan?
The Rio Vista vision statement serves as the foundation for all goals and policies contained within the General Plan. The vision serves as the “common ground” from which all decisions are made, and it identifies priority areas where resources should be focused to ensure that the City continues to be a great place.
The General Plan will also consists of Elements such as:
- Land Use and Community Design,
- Housing,
- Economic Development,
- Circulation and Mobility,
- Parks, Open Space, and Conservation,
- Noise,
- Safety, and
- Public Facilities and Services.
How will the General Plan be Implemented?
General Plan implementation consists of shorter-term actions and programs to carry out longer-term General Plan goals and policies. Implementation actions in the General Plan must also be tied to the City’s zoning ordinance.